Providing Support to People in Need in Radnor Township

Wayne Cares Mission

The mission of Wayne Cares is to provide and maintain a network of people providing food and other material support to people in need, primarily in the Radnor Township area. 

Food Donation Hours

Our donation bin is outside, under the welcome banner, behind the church from 8:30am to 3:00pm, Monday through Friday and checked throughout the day.


Food Pantry Hours

Wednesdays, 9:00am -1:00pm and 5:00pm-6:30pm

Scan to view food pantry wish list

MLK Day Event Photos

Watch How the Scouts Organized a Food Drive

Paoli Scout Troop #1 organized a food drive during the pandemic to help replenish supplies. It’s community partners, like scout troops, that help us fulfill our mission. Ask us how you can help volunteer or donate. 

Video credit: MLTV-Main Line Network

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